Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Justice Through Music and Op-Critical Release New Music Videos Rejecting War and Pessimism

"Happy Springtime, Bush is Over," and "Fear Not" Make A Strong Statement For Peace And Hope

WASHINGTON, Feb. 17 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Justice Through Music ("JTM"), http://www.jtmp.org, a non-profit that works with famous musicians to create a sustainable and enlightened society, recently released two powerful music videos to reflect on the profound change that has taken place with the election of Barack Obama and the rejection of the policies of George Bush. JTM worked with Op-Critical, a band that has been commenting on social ills for many years with hard-hitting songs and music videos. http://www.op-critical.com, http://www.myspace.com/opcritical

In the first, "Fear Not," the protagonist represents all those who were driven crazy by the constant propaganda and fear mongering of the Bush Administration. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnMJBXJ-JyI Finally, he had enough and turned off the radio, smashed the TV and led the people to round up George Bush, Dick Cheney and Condi Rice to send them off for "rehabilitation." The citizens rose up and replaced fear with hope and rationality. "Fear Not" was directed by renowned film maker, Dmitry Torgovitsky, a native of Russia who was deftly able to express his own experiences with Soviet propaganda and fear in the video.

The second video, "Happy Springtime, Bush Is Over," is an updated version of a video Op-Critical first released two years to great acclaim and huge popularity on YouTube and MySpace. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quf-jyDsXbM In the original version, JTM used Yoko Ono's massive Peace billboard and Peace Prayer Trees on the Washington Mall to make a statement that the Bush Administration and its wars were over in the hearts of peace loving people everywhere. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jco4etlHwaE Now, in the new version, with the Bush Administration really over, there are new clips and nods to Barack Obama's promise of hope and change for the better.

JTM urges people to spread the videos, embed them on their sites and promote their message of peace and hope. jtmp.org