Monday, February 2, 2009

Jango Launches World's Largest Ad Network for the Musical Vertical

Surpassing the reaches of MySpace Music, Yahoo! Music and AOL Music, The Jango Music Network Offers Unique Method of Mapping Brand Affinity To the Music Tastes of 16 Percent of all Americans online

NEW YORK, Feb. 2 /PRNewswire/ -- Jango (, a top ten US music site, today announced the launch of the Jango Music Network (JMN), the world's largest, most targeted and cost-effective ad network for the music vertical. The JMN represents the inventory of hundreds of high-engagement music sites -- reaching a collective total of over 30 million unique monthly visitors in the US alone -- a reach beyond that of MySpace Music, Yahoo! Music and AOL Music.

The #10 fastest growing web property in the U.S. (Comscore, percentage change in unique visitors, Dec 08), the JMN also features a unique methodology that maps brand preference to musical taste -- and uses it to help advertisers target audiences that will be particularly receptive to their brand. Jango research has proven that most brands correlate strongly with a unique subset of 20-25 percent of all musical artists. The JMN allows advertisers to identify their artist subset, and then to target audiences listening to, reading or watching content about those very artists.

For example, ads run against the unique artist subset for Dodge Truck received a 273 percent higher click-through rate than ads run against the average artist. For Armani Exchange, the lift was 82 percent and for Gevalia Coffee it was 147 percent. Each brand had a completely different subset of artists -- some expected, others somewhat unexpected. Dodge not only performed well with Keith Urban -- but also Justin Timberlake. Armani Exchange was not just favored by fans of Coldplay -- but also fans of John Mayer; Gevalia Coffee shared a strong affinity with Bruce Springsteen -- but an even stronger one with Leona Lewis.

"Up until now, there wasn't any smart way for advertisers to target user segments based on music taste. Now, for just $10,000, advertisers can effectively map their brand affinity to music taste -- and then reach their audience on a giant scale for very low CPM's," said Jango CEO Dan Kaufman. "With the Jango Music Network, we can continuously re-target the users that respond better to a certain brand and constantly keep improving our advertisers' campaign performance."

Through the JMN, advertisers can reach large targeted audiences with single-effort ad placements based on user listening preferences and artist clustering. The result is a highly efficient advertising approach with massive reach, precise targeting and low cost:

  • Massive Reach - The JMN reaches 16 percent of all Americans online: over 30 million unique monthly visitors and more than 250 million pageviews in the US alone. The network includes a long list of some of the world's largest high-engagement music sites, such as streaming music services, blogs, lyrics sites, webzines, tabs libraries and fansites.

  • Precise Targeting - For brands that already know their customers' music affinity, the JMN provides an unparalleled way to target this core audience on a massive scale. For brands seeking to identify what artists most appeal to their customers, the network can help them map, segment and re-target appropriate audiences based on brand-specific musical tastes.

  • Low Cost - The JMN offers a creative way to maintain mindshare on fewer dollars, for both brand advertisers and direct marketers. The Brand CPM solution gives large brand advertisers an unprecedented way to reach a massive yet highly targeted audience at very competitive CPM's. The Performance PPC solution, ideal for artist-centric direct marketers of tickets, ringtones and merchandise, offers a cost effective way to generate quality leads based on genre, artist and song without wasting budget on less efficient Run of Network (RON) programs.

In conjunction with the JMN launch, the network's flagship property -- -- is moving from Beta to public release. Just a year old but already the #8 largest music site in the country (Comscore, pageviews, Dec 08), has been completely re-designed and optimized for maximum advertiser value -- providing both tactical performance marketers and strategic brand advertisers a variety of standard and custom solutions to effectively reach their audiences.

About and the Jango Music Network (JMN)

Launched in November 2007 and headquartered in New York City, Jango is a social music service that lets people create and share custom radio stations. It's the easy way to play the music you want online, legally and free. An internet radio service, Jango follows all restrictions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and pays royalties due to artists every time a song is played. To experience truly personalized Internet radio that is simple, free, and social, tune in today at

The Jango Music Network - ranked as the #10 fastest growing property in the US (Comscore, percentage change in unique visitors, Dec 2008) -- is the world's largest ad network for the music vertical, reaching over 30 million monthly unique visitors and more than 250 million pageviews in the United States alone. Using a unique method of targeting campaigns to the type of music content that works best for a particular brand, the Jango Music Network offers a high-performing combination of targeting and reach at a very competitive price.