Friday, February 20, 2009

Cancellation of YES Tour

FRIANT, Calif., Feb. 19 /PRNewswire/ -- The "In The Present Tour," featuring YES' Steve Howe, Chris Squire, and Alan White is cancelling the remaining scheduled shows. Founding YES member, Chris Squire, underwent surgery on his leg on February 11, 2009. The operation was successful and Chris is on his way to a full recovery. However, Chris has been advised by his physician that he needs a one-month rest period, hence the reason for the cancellation of the rest of the tour dates. As previously stated, Chris and the rest of the band wishes to apologize for any inconvenience that this might have caused to their fans and hopes to see them again soon.

John Mayewski, President and CEO of Table Mountain Casino stated, "It is regrettable that the band was forced to cancel their remaining shows on this current tour, including the performance scheduled for Tuesday, March 3rd at Table Mountain Casino. All of the guests and employees of Table Mountain Casino wish Chris a speedy, complete recovery, and hope that YES is able to resume their tour in the very near future."

All YES ticketholders for the concert performance that was scheduled in the Table Mountain Casino Event Center for Tuesday, March 3rd should contact the Casino directly at (559) 822-7777 or via email at for information regarding refunds.

About Table Mountain:

Table Mountain Casino is owned and operated by the Table Mountain Rancheria Band of Indians who actively support many community-based agencies and non-profit organizations serving residents of the Greater Fresno area and the regional San Joaquin Valley community.

To learn more about Table Mountain Casino, its community service programs and current promotions, please visit
